Monday, September 20, 2010

Problems in Bogor

Nowadays, Bogor is facing some crucial and complex problems. Those are transportation, cleanness, poverty, and also PKL (Trader who do their activities along the side street) .

The first problem, transportation, is the hardest task for government to solve. If you come to Bogor, you’ll find a lot of traffic jam, especially at busy hour. This problem not only caused by the citizens who bring their own car as their own “prestigious” transportation, but it also caused by public transportation which has a big number of amount. Imagine, there are more than 3.000 public transportation that called “angkot” in Bogor. Those 3.000 angkot compete each others to get passengers, they can wait for the passengers until a half hour, and made a long traffic, because they stop everywhere they want and wait for their passengers until the car full filled. What make the government feel hard in solving this problem is, how can they reduce the amount of public transportation if reducing way would make a lot of driver lose their job. Government have to think what compensation would be given to them.

The second problem, cleanness, is the most important problem that being talk by everyone in this city. If we compare the condition of this city at nowadays with its condition at ten years ago, you’ll not believe that it’s Bogor, it’s so different. Nowadays, the condition of this city is so dirty , many people don’t care anymore about the cleanness, it seems that they haven’t got any awareness of their environment, only a little bit of people who still aware with this problem, most of them can only talk without act.

Now, move to the third problem, poverty. Almost all cities facing this problem, but what make Bogor different from others is, those people who are poor, is already touched by the government , only a little bit of them who are still in untouchable condition.

The last problem,PKL. It’s hard to solve by the government because the government still can’t give compensation to them, if the government force them to close theirs without any compensation, it would be same as adding a number of poverty. Those are some problems that being homework for government and also the citizens in Bogor, hopefully those problems can be solved as soon as possible.

created by : Kania Novita Wulandari

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