Semarang as the capital city of Central Java has some serious problems. Those problems are the bad waste’s management, the damage of main roads, and the worst is the number of illegal parking which then lead to congestion. The government has taken various ways to resolve those problems, but it never resolved.

The waste’s management in Semarang is really bad because the public cleaning service using trucks to transport the waste and garbage from every region in Semarang to the landfill. The trucks that used to transport those waste and garbage are not equipped with a tool to cover the waste and garbage from the wind and to maintain it inside the truck. So, when the truck is moving forward, not only the garbage flying to the street but also spreading a very bad smell. This is really dangerous for our health especially for the motorcycle’s riders because of the smell that contaminate the air contain much microorganism and can make them sick. The only effort from the government is setting the operational time for cleaning service’s truck to transport the garbage in the morning, so the road user won’t be disturbed because of the smell. But it doesn’t enough. The best solution is substituting the truck with a new truck which has a cover to maintain the garbage in the truck and also prevent the smell spreading to the air.

The second problem is the damaged of main roads. The main roads in Semarang are heavily damaged especially in lower area like Johar, Kota Lama, and Tawang station because in this area the flood often occurs. But we also can see the damaged of the road in higher area, such as Sigar Bencah, Ksatrian, and Sisingamangaraja. But it has different case. The roads in this area are damaged because there are many dokar which pulled by a horse passing this roads. The footstep of the horse can crush the asphalt and damaged the road. The damaged of the road caused many accidents for the motorcycle’s riders. The government must pay attention to this problem.
And the last is the number of illegal parking which then lead to congestion. It almost happens every day at Jalan Pandanaran because along this road, there are a lot of store which selling Semarang’s typical foods.

Buyers who want to buy in those stores usually park their vehicles on the curb because the stores doesn’t providing a parking lot for the visitors. As the result, many of them park their vehicle on the roadside even until on the middle of the road and causing a bad traffic jam. I think it will be better if government builds a parking lot for the people who want to go to the stores so there will be no more illegal parking, no more traffic jam, and everybody will feel more comfortable.
That’s all the problems in Semarang. Hopefully the mayor of Semarang can read this writing then change Semarang to be a better city.
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