Monday, August 30, 2010

The Problems in Big City

There are many problems in a big city. For example Bogor. the city is close to the capital of indonesia. that's why its almost has the same problem with jakarta.

First, Bogor biggest problem is the population. Bogor population’s continued to grow and population density increased significantly. Nowdays, many people from outside the city moved to Bogor to find a job and continue their study. consequently, the job oppurtunity become lower, especially for the uneducated people, so they become homeless and unemployee. in the end they become a burden to the local goverment.

Next problem is the traffic jam. Traffic jam in Bogor is chaotic. Bogor has a large number of public transportation and even known as the City of a Million public transportation. It also worsen by the careless drivers who do not obey the traffic regulation. They usually stop everywhere they pleased to find passanger. There is a daily traffic jam in Bogor from early in the morning to late in the afternoon. Moreover on the weekend and holiday, most people from Jakarta spent their holiday here.

And the last problem is about the crime that emerge from the unemployee people, poverty, depressed, and inbalance emotional that caused by the social depression. Many people become individualist, they don’t care about the others and selfish. Social different status is very large which is the have and not. Those who have not, feeling jealous and try to rob them. This is the effect of living in the big city.

To overcome this problems government should make some resolution. With the clear programs such as: administration, supervision, family planning programs, transmigration, improvement city planning and the proper traffic regulation.

Problems in Big City

Bekasi, as my dwelling place, also has some problems in city similar with the other big cities in Indonesia, even in the world. In general, there are traffic jam, criminality, and pollution. Traffic jam happens almost every time in this crowded city. It often caused by amount of transportations, especially a lot of public transportations, plus indiscipline of the public transportation’s driver made the traffic jam can’t be avoided. Because of that, the streets were so messy and other road users involved aggravating circumstances. Some of motorcycle users were forced to use the sidewalk to get their way because of a very long and dense traffic jam. It is so pathetic and of course the pedestrians feel worried with this situation. We, as road users too, don’t want it happens continuously and want this traffic jam minimized by government policy. But first we also have to be discipline and always obey the rule if we want a regular flow of traffic. Rules are made to be obeyed not to be violated, and this applies to all.

For the above mentioned problems, the thing that needs to be improved is the management of transportation systems. For example, need to be augmented traffic signs and the addition of a bridge crossing for pedestrians. But that facilities could be in vain if not followed by the local community. Therefore, also required the existence of socialization orderly traffic for the whole community, and add police officers in congestion-prone places.

Body Language

Body language is the process of communicating what you are feeling or thinking by the way you place and move your body rather than by words. And how to read others' thoughts by their gestures, expression and body posture. Understanding body language involves the interpretation of several signals from the eyes, mouth, arms and hands.

Our eyes are a very significant aspect of the non-verbal signals we send to others. To a lesser or greater extent we all 'read' people's eyes without knowing how or why, and this ability seems to be inborn. Eyes and especially our highly developed awareness of what we see in other people's eyes are incredible. For example we know if we have eye contact with someone at an almost unbelievable distance. Far too far away to be able to see the detail of a person's eyes about 30 metres away or more sometimes, we know when there is an eye contact. This is an absolutely awesome capability when you think about it. Also, we can see whether another person's eyes are focused on us or not, and we can detect easily the differences between a 'glazed over' blank stare, a piercing look, a moistening eye long before tears come, and an awkward or secret glance. We probably cannot describe these and many other eye signals, but we recognise them when we see them and we know what they mean.

The mouth also has more visible moving parts than other sensory organs, so there's a lot more potential for variety of signalling. For example, smiling is a big part of facial body language. As a general rule real smiles are symmetrical and produce creases around the eyes and mouth, whereas fake smiles, for whatever reason, tend to be mouth-only gestures. Hand clamped over mouth, an unconcious gesture of holding back, suppression or shock with something. And other example is when we laugh. Laughter is a sign of relaxation and feeling at ease. Natural laughter can extend to all the upper body or whole body. Forced laughter/unnatural laughter is often a signal of nervousness or stress, as an effort to dispel tension or change the atmosphere.

Arms are quite reliable indicators of mood and feeling, especially when interpreted with other body language. Crossed arms represent a protective or separating barrier. This can be due to various causes, ranging from severe animosity or concern to mild boredom or being too tired to be interested and attentive. Crossed arms is a commonly exhibited signal by subordinates feeling threatened by bosses and figures of authority. People also cross arms when they are feeling cold.

Hands is an extensive body language. This is because hands are such expressive parts of the body, and because hands interact with other parts of the body. They are extremely expressive and flexible tools, so it is natural for hands to be used a lot in signalling consciously as with emphasizing gestures or unconsciously as in a wide range of unintentional movements which show hidden feelings and thoughts. Tapping or drumming fingers which mean we're impatience with something. As the simple signal is 'thumbs up' means OK, approved and the Victory-sign . It's a very positive signal. Two hands is a bigger statement of the same meaning.

Importantly, understanding body language enables better self-awareness and self-control too. We understand more about other people's feelings and meanings, and we also understand more about these things in ourselves. When we understand body language we become better able to refine and improve what our body says about us, which generates a positive improvement in the way we feel, the way we perform, and what we achieve.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Problems in Big City

Bandung is one of the big cities in Indonesia. And it has a lot of big cities' main problem.

The first problem is traffic jam. As a big city, Bandung has a fairly dense population. And because of that, the number of vehicles and transportations also very large. We can see that almost everyday, during the workdays, every roads in Bandung are always having traffic jam. Especially, in the weekends or holidays. A lot of people from other cities, event countries visiting Bandung at those occasions, because Bandung is one of the people's favorite place to spend their holidays. So, the number of vehicles will increase much more than in workdays.

Next problem is, there are a lot of perforated roads and streets in Bandung. This is very disturbing, and a bit dangerous, because it may cause traffic jam, even accident. And it seems like government of Bandung is taking no action to fix this problem, because a lot of road improvement projects are stopped before its done, even there are still a lot of damage roads and streets which abandoned.

Last but not least, traffic violations is another problem in Bandung. This thing is very annoying, and it is bothering people a lot. For example, when there is a traffic jam, some of motorbikes will ride their bikes on to sidewalk, it messed road up and it make the traffic jam getting worse. Another example, when people race their vehicle on the road. It's very noisy, and it may cause an accident.

Those three problems are still exist, and it's not easy to solve them today. But, i have a plan to solve those problems in the future, with ICT ways.
To solve traffic jam, we can make a cooperation with police department and transportation department, to make a program and software which can detect a vehicle that still necessary to ride. If the vehicle is no longer necessary to use, and the driver have no driving license, or other case, then it will reduce the numbers of vehicles on the road.
For the perforated roads, ICT can solve it, by sponsoring the improvement road projects, and help the government to control and monitoring the development of the project.
And the solution for traffic violations, we can cooperate with police department to put the camera which can record the violation and the person who do that thing. So that police can find the executant easier and faster, so that the traffic violation can reduce and the road will be not as messy as before.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

problem in the big city

The Problems Of Big City

The Problems of Big City

The principal problems now facing big City are its overcrowding and
overpopulation, its dangerous environment, its dwindling water supply, and its
terrible air pollution. One of big City's problems is that it has an enormous population that
continues to rapidly increase every day.There are many people that move to
big City and many people that are born there every year. These factors
contribute even more to its overcrowding and overpopulation. Yet still another problem with big City's habitat is the overall instability that is caused by the fact that much of the
city is located on a weak, dry-lake bed surface.big City's rapidly diminishing water supply creates another dangerous problem.Once its water supply is gone, the only way to receive water will be to transport it from across the mountains.Not only does the city have to pipe
water in, but it also has to pipe the sewage out of waste-filled areas. This
would be a very expensive undertaking and could cost big City a large amount
of money.big City's worsening air pollution is the most dangerous problem
and health hazard presently facing the city.The air in the city is so polluted
that at times the air quality exceeds 100 times the acceptable level. Thousands
of factories and millions of vehicles are the main causes of the air pollution
in big City. big City has many problems at the present time, and it does
not look as if it is going to get much better in the future.
from ferdi

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Problems in Big City

I can sumarize three problems that’s facing by Bogor at this moment. The first problem is bums have sprung up in Bogor. Let me take an example for this, there are many bums around the traffic light in front of botani square, sometimes those bums distracted people who passed by in front of them. This situation may cause other people become restless. And from year to year, the number of bums in Bogor increase rapidly, because until now there’s not any government’s act yet to solve this problem.

The second problem is public car everywhere. As we know before, Bogor is well-known as a green city, because there is a Botanical Garden. For now, green city is refer to the public car which crammed the traffic. We can find those public cars easily in the whole street in Bogor. Too many number of public cars, often makes traffic jam. Even in the protocol street can happen such thing.

The last problem is there are too many perforated streets in Bogor. This problem may cause Bogor city resident become restless, because when it rains , it may cause a big flood. Because of that, the driver couldn’t differentiate between the perforated street and the good one

In short, there are also some solutions to solve this problems. Me as an ICT student, in reducing the number of bums, i have to make a new job vacancy for those homeless people. Next, to solve the number of public cars which increased rapidly from year to year, i have to make a cooperation with DLLAJ to decrease the illegal public car driver who didn’t have any license to drive. The last but not lease, to fix the perforated streets, i have to make a cooperation with the regional service of city planning to restore the function of street itself.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Semarang as the capital city of Central Java has some serious problems. Those problems are the bad waste’s management, the damage of main roads, and the worst is the number of illegal parking which then lead to congestion. The government has taken various ways to resolve those problems, but it never resolved.

The waste’s management in Semarang is really bad because the public cleaning service using trucks to transport the waste and garbage from every region in Semarang to the landfill. The trucks that used to transport those waste and garbage are not equipped with a tool to cover the waste and garbage from the wind and to maintain it inside the truck. So, when the truck is moving forward, not only the garbage flying to the street but also spreading a very bad smell. This is really dangerous for our health especially for the motorcycle’s riders because of the smell that contaminate the air contain much microorganism and can make them sick. The only effort from the government is setting the operational time for cleaning service’s truck to transport the garbage in the morning, so the road user won’t be disturbed because of the smell. But it doesn’t enough. The best solution is substituting the truck with a new truck which has a cover to maintain the garbage in the truck and also prevent the smell spreading to the air.

The second problem is the damaged of main roads. The main roads in Semarang are heavily damaged especially in lower area like Johar, Kota Lama, and Tawang station because in this area the flood often occurs. But we also can see the damaged of the road in higher area, such as Sigar Bencah, Ksatrian, and Sisingamangaraja. But it has different case. The roads in this area are damaged because there are many dokar which pulled by a horse passing this roads. The footstep of the horse can crush the asphalt and damaged the road. The damaged of the road caused many accidents for the motorcycle’s riders. The government must pay attention to this problem.

And the last is the number of illegal parking which then lead to congestion. It almost happens every day at Jalan Pandanaran because along this road, there are a lot of store which selling Semarang’s typical foods.

Buyers who want to buy in those stores usually park their vehicles on the curb because the stores doesn’t providing a parking lot for the visitors. As the result, many of them park their vehicle on the roadside even until on the middle of the road and causing a bad traffic jam. I think it will be better if government builds a parking lot for the people who want to go to the stores so there will be no more illegal parking, no more traffic jam, and everybody will feel more comfortable.

That’s all the problems in Semarang. Hopefully the mayor of Semarang can read this writing then change Semarang to be a better city.