Body Language
Body language is the way to extend a message about what we think or feel to other people without verbal communication but use the body movement instead. There are many kinds of body language, such as eye contact, facial expression, and hand movement.
1. Eye Contact
Eye contact is one kind of body language that is used by someone to show what he thinks and
feels about something, which is emitted by his gaze.
From eye contact, you can expect the condition of one person. Whether when you talk to
someone, he gives you an attention or not. Whether he gets bored to have a conversation with
you or not. And probably you will find whether they lie to you or not. Look, why do i say
probably for the last condition ? Why don't i say surely ? Because, for some people, they are
smart to hide what they are thinking / feeling. They can fake their eye contact in order to
make other people wouldn't realize their plan or their real aim. That characteristic usually
belongs to a good liar.
On the other hand, there are some people who are kind of timid person. They usually don't
want to have eye contact with the person whom they talk. It's not because they have a
certain aim which they don't want anyone knows it, but they just feel shame or unconfident.
That's different with a liars who don't want to have eye contact or fake their eye contact
because of some reasons that they don't like anyone knows about it.
2. Facial Expression
Facial expression can be explained as the interrelatedness between some parts of people's
face, such as lips, eyebrows, and eyes) which from their combination can show about what
people feel. There are some expressions that can be shown by facial expression like angry,
sad, and happy.
When a person gets angry, his eyebrows will fit together, his eyes become narrow and there is
no smile on his lips. When someone feels sad, his eyes will be gloomy, like there's no light, his
lips will turn down and we can also expect that he has no spirit at all. Different from the
others, happy expression will be very nice to see. The person that has a good day, his smile
becomes wide and shows his teeth. His eyes will shine brightly and his eyelids open
widely. Also you can see that the eyebrows are in the normal position.
3. Hand Movement
Just like eye contact and facial expression, hand movement also can be explained as one kind
of body language that shows about people's thinking towards their environment. For example,
a woman who is nervous when she has a conversation with a guy whom she likes, she usually
makes herself busy by tidy her hair up with her fingers. When people are thinking something
deeply, they usually touch their chin and stroke it. When someone gets angry, they will shake
their fists or maybe they hit their fist to the wall.
Well, those are about body language. The most important that we have to know is be careful to show your body language. Because your body language will affect other people's thinking about you. So, if you don't want people get missunderstand about you, all you have to do is just be calm down in every condition of your life. Regain composure and show your best body language.
by : Resty Prameswari
Very good.
Very good.
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